Our Commitment to You
Communicare is an organisation committed to the creation of strong, safe and inclusive communities. We recognise the importance of encouraging people from a diverse range of backgrounds to thrive and participate to reach their full potential. We consider providing quality services as an important part of this commitment and we strive to ensure that people understand their rights and responsibilities.
As an organisation that supports cultural and linguistic diversity we recognise that sometimes the English language may be a barrier for some people. If the English language is a barrier for you in providing feedback or a complaint you can request an interpreter. For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders we can organise an Aboriginal Interpreter for you through Aboriginal Interpreting WA
Our Responsibility
- To treat everyone fairly and with care, dignity and respect
- To promote equity and access across all our services
- To respect cultural and linguistic diversity
- To ensure all our staff are welcoming and encouraging
- Provide timely and relevant information
- Commit to continuous development and improvement
- Encourage the meaningful participation of all
- Promote the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people
Your Rights
- To be treated fairly and with care, consideration, dignity and respect
- Have your privacy respected. You have the right to complain or share ideas about our services
- To ask questions if you don’t understand the process
- Receive information and be regularly informed
- Provide feedback to our services
- Request an interpreter, or other cultural support. We respect cultural and linguistic diversity.
- Request assistance with reading/understanding
- Discuss any concerns you have and have them resolved where possible
What should I say?
- Who your feedback or complaint is about
- What happened (try to include the date, time and who was involved)
- How it made you and others involved feel
- If anyone was around to witness the incident
- Any evidence you may have
- What you would like to happen next
What will happen after I talk to you?
We will be glad to hear about what you like or what you dislike here at Communicare and will do our best to make your problem better.
- Normally the manager of the service you are involved in will try to work things out for you. If you feel uncomfortable with this or would prefer someone else, that’s ok
- A staff member will contact you and ask you more about your experience. We will try to find the best and quickest solution for you but sometimes we need to speak to other people involved, check records and figure out what happened
- We will let you know the what we found out and what we are going to do about it after we have checked everything
- We can keep you informed about the progress of your complaint via email, telephone or in person. If you don’t want to remain informed, that’s alright.